
Knee Joint

The problem of knee arthrosis is widespread. More often, the knee joints are affected in women. In process of “aging” of the Earth’s population, increase in the percentage of overweight people and metabolic diseases in the population, the incidence of arthrosis of the knee joints is growing. Thanks to new diagnostic methods, this pathology is already being detected (it’s scary to imagine!) Among young people aged 16-25 5
70% of the arthrosis of the knee joints in the structure of all arthrosis belongs to women 4 .
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint occurs in 15% of the total female population, in men – 2 times less often. Up to 60 years, men suffer more often, after 60 years – women 4
Osteoarthritis alone is not fatal, but chronic pain that occurs reduces life expectancy by 10 years6 Osteoarthritis of the knee is also called gonarthrosis.


Symptoms of gonarthrosis 1

  • Pain from the inside or front of the knee, more often when rising, descending stairs, giving to the thigh and lower leg
  • Crunch on knee movement
  • Morning stiffness about half an hour
  • Joint instability, manifested by a crack in the joint, a feeling of excessive mobility of the knee, an unstable gait
  • Limitation of flexion and extension of the leg at the knee


  • the cartilage tissue of the joint is thinned and damaged
  • cartilage functions are impaired: depreciation, protection, support
  • inflammation and swelling occur in the joint capsule, its volume increases
  • cartilage nutrition is reduced, its destruction is underway
  • the joint cavity is mechanically injured by fragments of cartilage, which causes it to jam
  • production decreases and synovial fluid composition changes
  • the structure and function of the adjacent bone is disturbed


  • Pain of a mechanical type. Occur under load, intensify in the evening, subside at night.
  • Starting pains – at the beginning of the movement.
  • Blockade pain. The joint kind of “wedges”, this is due to the ingress of a fragment of cartilage on the surface of the joint. Everything passes after movement in the leg, which helps to remove a fragment of cartilage.
  • Pain at rest, at night. Associated with stagnation of venous blood in the spongy substance of the bone. Fade in the morning after the onset of activity.
  • Constant pain indicates the presence of synovitis. This is accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin, restriction of movement.
  • The appearance of pain when the weather changes.


  • age (usually after 45 years);
  • gender (women get sick 2 times more often than men);
  • estrogen deficiency (female sex hormone);
  • injuries
  • professional, sports, domestic loads;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • connective tissue weakness;


With a delayed diagnosis or improper treatment after 6 years from the onset of the disease, 22% of patients require joint replacement surgery (prosthetics) 7.3
Timely contact with a doctor helps early treatment.
Medicines, chondroprotectors aimed at treating arthrosis will help:

  • positively affect the main pathological link: improve the regeneration and nutrition of articular cartilage
  • reduce pain.
  • slow down the further development of the disease, the destruction of cartilage and indirectly all joint structures.
  • restore activity and prevent

Chondroprotectors are well tolerated, are an essential component in patients with osteoarthrosis treatment and are recommended by international and Russian associations.

associations[ American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/Arthritis Foundation (AF) 2020.

European Anti-Rheumatic League (EULAR).

International Society for the Study of Osteoarthritis (OARSI).

Association of Russian Rheumatologists (ARR).

Preparations for the treatment of arthrosis are not the whole package of measures. It is important to eliminate the risk factors – weight loss, load limitation, low-impact exercises. In the presence of a hereditary predisposition or birth defects, it is reasonable to consult a doctor about the possible preventive measures.

What is the difference

Currently, various forms of release are used among medicines. Joint creams or joint ointments are widely represented in pharmacies. Capsules and tablets for joints can also be used by patients as directed by a doctor. Of course, those forms are very convenient.
Injections remain the most effective dosage formThe advantage of intramuscular administration of chondroprotectors (MUCOSAT) is their rapid absorption into the blood with accumulation in the synovial fluid of the joint after 15 minutes, and in the cartilage tissue after 48 hours  .

In addition, injections increase the ability of chondroitine sulphate to be absorbed, and subsequently increase the availability of its molecules in the bloodstream, which can lead to a faster and more effective result.
However, only a doctor can choose the right treatment!

At the first sign of joint problems, consult a specialist.




  1. Okorokov A.N. Diagnosis of diseases of internal organs: T. 2. Diagnosis of rheumatic and systemic diseases of connective tissue. Diagnosis of endocrine diseases: – M .: Honey. lit., 2008 .– 576 p.: ill.
  2. Electronic https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/bolevoy-sindrom-pri-osteoartroze
  3. Galushko E.A., Erdes Sh.F., Alekseeva L.I. Osteoarthrosis in outpatient practice. Modern rheumatology, 2012, p.66-70
  4. Electronic http://www.rheumatology.kiev.ua/article/5243/genderno-vozrastnye-osobennosti-techeniya-gonartroza
  5. Zorya V.I., Lazishvili G.D., Shpakovsky D.E. Deforming arthrosis of the knee: a guide. – M.: Litterra, 2010 .– 320 s.
  6. Pincus T., Sokka T. Abstract presented during the American College of Rheumatology, 2005. Scientific Sessions. San diego california
  7. Gamez-Nava JL, Gonzales-Lopes L., Davis P. et al. Referral and diagnosis of common rheumatic diseases by primary care physicians. Br J Rheum 1998; 37: 1215-9

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