Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease, that is affecting millions of people around the world, and is considered one of the leading causes of disability.
OA is a chronic disorder of synovial joints (most commonly at the knee joint).
The disease Pathology is characterized by degeneration of the articular cartilage which is the primary defect, the formation of excess bone tissue along the edges of the joints (osteophytes), cysts formation and sclerosis in the subchondral bone, mild synovitis and capsular fibrosis.
OA predominantly involves the weight-bearing joints, including the knees, hip, cervical and lumbosacral spine, and feet. But actually, any joint in the body can be affected.
What are OA risk factors?
• Advanced age (most people over 45 years old).
• Overweight (risk increases by 2 times).
• Gender (women suffer OA 2 times more often than men).
• Genetic predisposition.
• Trauma, Injuries.
• Congenital or acquired defects of the musculoskeletal system (the risk increases by 7-8 times).
• Estrogen deficiency (women).
• Vitamin D deficiency.
• Unbalanced, excessive exercise of the joints.
What happens at OA?
• The cartilage tissue of the joint is thinned and damaged
• Cartilage functions are impaired: depreciation, protection, support
• Inflammation and swelling occur in the joint capsule, its volume increases
• Cartilage nutrition is reduced, its destruction is underway
• The joint cavity is mechanically injured by fragments of cartilage, which causes it to jam
• Synovial fluid production decreases and composition changes
OA Stages
What are OA symptoms?
Osteoarthritis symptoms often develop slowly and worsen over time. Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:
• Pain: Affected joints might hurt during or after movement.
• Stiffness: Joint stiffness might be most noticeable upon awakening or after being inactive.
• Tenderness: Your joint might feel tender when you apply light pressure to or near it.
• Loss of flexibility: You might not be able to move your joint through its full range of motion.
• Grating sensation: You might feel a grating sensation when you use the joint, and you might hear crackling.
• Swelling: This might be caused by soft tissue inflammation around the joint.
• Deformity in the affected joint.
• And finally, Loss of joint function.
How Mucosat® helps OA patients?
• Mucosat® stimulates the regeneration of cartilage, and inhibits the enzymes that disrupt its structure and function.
• Mucosat® stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans, normalize the metabolism of hyaline cartilage, and promotes the regeneration of cartilage surface.
• Mucosat® as anti-inflammatory effect, reduces concomitant inflammation.
• relieve pain and helps reduce the need for NSAIDs and subsequently protects the patients from its side effects.
• Mucosat® Improves phosphorus-calcium metabolism in cartilage.
• Mucosat® Prevents compression of connective tissue, increases the production of synovial fluid and mobility of the affected joints.
Mucosat® is a solution of Chondroitine sulphate for intramuscular and intraarticular injection.
The world’s first injectable drug based on pure Chondroitine sulphate, which has proven analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, with improving the structure of the cartilaginous tissue, and as a result slowing the progression of degenerative diseases of joints and cartilages.